Contact Lenses

I’ve never tried contacts before, where do I start?

When you try contact lenses for the first time you will need to ensure that you have an eye test and a full consultation first. The consultation includes an eye health check, a discussion on lens types and suitability, a wear and care teach and an in-store trial of your chosen lens.

I had my eyes tested recently, do I need another exam?

As long as your prescription is less than six months old, and is stamped by the Optometrist or Ophthalmologist that saw you, then you don’t need another eye test. However, you will still need to have a contact lens consultation.e

Can I swim / take a shower while wearing my contacts?

No, we do not recommend this as water contains a number of harmful viruses and bacteria, which can irritate eyes, making them sore and causing serious eye infections.

Can I wash my contacts with water?

Don’t be tempted to wash your contacts, or rinse your contact lens cases, with water – contact lens solution will clean and disinfect your case adequately. Allow your case to dry by placing it on a tissue after use, do not use a towel. Do not be tempted to top up your solution with water, use fresh solution every time.

Is there a high risk of infection with using contacts?

Only if you do not look after your contact lens correctly. This is why you have to ensure that the contact lens is completely sterile before you put it in your eye. Bacteria need three things to live; food, water and warmth, which can all be found in your eye if the bacteria are present on your contact lens! Soft lenses are filled with water so these organisms can therefore survive in them and in your contact lens storage case. If you use your contact lens solutions correctly, and follow the advice of your Optometrist/Ophthalmologist, there is very little risk of infection. The importance of contact lens hygiene cannot be stressed enough.

What do I do if the contact lens feels uncomfortable on my eye?

First slide it off-centre and allow it to slide back into place. If it is still uncomfortable, remove the lens and rinse it thoroughly with saline or a solution recommended by your Optometrist / Ophthalmologist. If you insert a lens that is inside out it may feel uncomfortable. Remove the lens and check the shape. If you can’t see clearly, the lens may have fallen out when you blinked if it wasn’t properly in place. To find the lens, look first on your eyelashes or cheek, or on the cloth in front of you. Rinse the lens thoroughly with saline or a solution recommended by your Optometrist / Ophthalmologist. Always carry your lens case filled with fresh soaking solution or saline unless you wear daily disposable lenses. Keep your spectacles with you at all times.

Can I wear eye make-up with contact lenses?

Yes. But put in your lenses before applying eye make-up.

Can I sleep in contact lenses?

Do not sleep in your lenses – unless your eye care professional has advised that your eyes and lens type are suitable.

When do I replace my contact lenses?

Daily lenses are worn once and then discarded at the end of each wearing period. For monthly lenses, follow the advice of your eye care professional in regards to the replacement period. You need to replace your lenses regularly to maintain hygiene, so throw away your lenses after the recommended period. It is important to not wear your lenses longer than advised.